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Backstage Shortcut Plugin

Provides an overview of user stories in Shortcut

Created by Roadie

Available on Roadie

Install the plugin into Backstage.

// packages/app
'yarn add @roadiehq/backstage-plugin-shortcut'

Add proxy configurations

// app-config.yaml
  # ...
    Shortcut-Token: '${SHORTCUT_API_TOKEN}'

Add Shortcut stories card to Home page:.

// packages/app/src/components/home/HomePage.tsx
import { HomepageStoriesCard } from '@roadiehq/backstage-plugin-shortcut'
// ...

const HomePage = () => {
  <PageWithHeader title="Home" themeId="home">
        <Grid item md={6} xs={12}>
          <HomepageStoriesCard />

Run the backstage app with the following command and navigate to the user entity.

yarn start

Found a mistake? Update these instructions.

Don't want to spend your time installing and manually upgrading each Backstage plugin?

How it looks

Stories overview in Shortcut plugin.

Things to know


The Shortcut API uses token-based authentication so in order to retrieve results you will need it. To generate an API token, go to

API Rate Limit in Shortcut

The Shortcut REST API limits requests to 200 per minute. Any requests over that limit will not be processed, and will return a 429 (“Too Many Requests”) response code.

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