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Backstage Rootly Plugin

Manage incidents directly from Slack

Created by Rootly

Available on Roadie

Create a Rootly API Key. Use the steps further down in the document to do this.

Add the plugin to your frontend app.

cd packages/app && yarn add @rootly/backstage-plugin

Configure the plugin in app-config.yaml. The proxy endpoint described below will allow the frontend to authenticate with Rootly without exposing your API key to users.

      Authorization: Bearer ${ROOTLY_API_KEY}

Expose the Rootly global page.

// packages/app/src/App.tsx
import { RootlyPage } from '@rootly/backstage-plugin';

// ...
const AppRoutes = () => (
    // ...
    <Route path="/Rootly" element={<RootlyPage />} />
    // ...

Add a link to the sidebar.

// packages/app/src/components/Root/Root.tsx
import ExtensionIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ExtensionIcon';

export const Root = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren<{}>) => (
      // ...
      <SidebarItem icon={ExtensionIcon} to="rootly" text="Rootly" />
      // ...

Add the Rootly Overview Card to the catalog pages.

// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import { RootlyOverviewCard, isRootlyAvailable } from '@rootly/backstage-plugin';

// ...
const overviewContent = (
  <Grid container spacing={3} alignItems="stretch">
    // ...
      <EntitySwitch.Case if={isRootlyAvailable}>
        <Grid item sm={6}>
          <RootlyOverviewCard />
    // ...

Add the rootly inicidents page to the catalog.

// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import { RootlyIncidentsPage } from '@rootly/backstage-plugin';

// ...
const websiteEntityPage = (
    <EntityLayout.Route path="/" title="Overview">

    // ...

    <EntityLayout.Route path="/docs" title="Docs">
      <EntityTechdocsContent />

    <EntityLayout.Route path="/rootly" title="Rootly">
      <RootlyIncidentsPage />

// ...
const serviceEntityPage = (
    <EntityLayout.Route path="/" title="Overview">

    // ...

    <EntityLayout.Route path="/docs" title="Docs">
      <EntityTechdocsContent />

    <EntityLayout.Route path="/rootly" title="Rootly">
      <RootlyIncidentsPage />

Found a mistake? Update these instructions.

Don't want to spend your time installing and manually upgrading each Backstage plugin?

Things to know

The Rootly backstage plugin is a frontend plugin that displays Rootly services, incidents in Backstage. The plugin includes three components that can be integrated into Backstage:

  • The RootlyPage routable extension component which produces a standalone page with the following capabilities:

    • View and search a list of entities and import/link them to rootly services
    • View and search a list of services
    • View and search a list of incidents
  • The RootlyOverviewCard component which produces a summary of your entity with incidents over last 30 days and ongoing incidents.

  • The RootlyIncidentsPage component which produces a dedicated page within your entity with details about ongoing and past incidents.

Creating an Rootly API key

Because of the features provided by the plugin, an API key with full access to your Rootly domain is required.

  • Read access on services is needed to list services, write access to link entities to services.
  • Read access on incidents needed to list incidents.
  1. Go to Profile -> Manage API Keys.

  2. Click on Generate New API Key button.

  3. Copy the key. Creating Api Key


RootlyPage component

Rootly entities page Rootly services page Rootly incidents page

RootlyOverviewCard component

Rootly overview page

RootlyIncidentsPage component

Rootly incidents page

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