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Backstage Jenkins Plugin

Build, test, and deploy on Jenkins CI/CD platform.

Created by @timja

Available on Roadie

Install the plugin.

cd packages/app
yarn add @backstage/plugin-jenkins

Add the plugin API to your Backstage app.

// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import { EntityJenkinsContent } from '@backstage/plugin-jenkins';

// add new Jenkins tab to the service component page
const serviceEntityPage = (
    <EntityLayout.Route path="/jenkins" title="Jenkins">
      <EntityJenkinsContent />

Add proxy configuration to your Backstage app's config. A Jenkins API token is required. See how to get a Jenkins API token below.

// app-config.yaml
    target: 'http://localhost:8080'
    changeOrigin: true
      Authorization: Basic ${JENKINS_BASIC_AUTH_HEADER}

Add Jenkins plugin annotation to your component's config. ()

// catalog-info.yaml
    # instanceName and github-organization-project-name are optional. The value is a string and should be enclosed in double quotes "" "instanceName:github-organization-project-name/job-name"

Found a mistake? Update these instructions.

Don't want to spend your time installing and manually upgrading each Backstage plugin?

How it looks

A screenshot of the Jenkins plugin.

Things to know

Jenkins plugin features

The Jenkins plugin can pull build information from a GitHub Organization project in Jenkins. Other Jenkins project types like Freestyle project and Pipeline are not supported yet.

Jenkins menu to create new items

The plugin shows a list of the most recent builds in Backstage. This list includes builds from all projects that are available in the GitHub Organization project in Jenkins.

Jenkins and Backstage side-by-side

View additional build information by selecting a build from the list.

Backstage Jenkins job details

How to get a Jenkins API token

Your Backstage app’s backend connects to your Jenkins server using the Jenkins API. A Jenkins API token is required. This token can be obtained from a system environment variable (ex. JENKINS_BASIC_AUTH_HEADER) containing a base64 encoded string.

  1. Access the settings page of the Jenkins user for which you want to create an API token. For example, for a user named “admin” on a local Jenkins server: http://localhost:8080/user/admin/.

  2. Add a new token under the ‘API Token’ section. Copy the token before leaving the page.

  3. Construct a base64 encoded basic authorization string using your Jenkins user’s name and the API token. For example, in a Bash shell:

    echo -n admin:1147f3bd451f3c48b8f21fd3aba13e58eb | base64
  4. Save the base64 encoded string to an environment variable named JENKINS_BASIC_AUTH_HEADER. This variable can be used in the Jenkins proxy configuration in your Backstage app’s app-config.yaml.

Setting up a local Jenkins environment

If you want to try out this plugin but you don’t have a Jenkins server to test it with, you can quickly setup a local Jenkins server with docker. See the instructions available in the official Jenkins Docker GitHub repo.

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