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Backstage Argo CD Plugin

See Argo CD status in Backstage

Created by Roadie, in collaboration with American Airlines

Available on Roadie

Install the plugin into Backstage.

cd packages/app
yarn add @roadiehq/backstage-plugin-argo-cd

Add proxy config to the app-config.yaml file

    target: https://<your-argocd-instance>/api/v1/
    changeOrigin: true
    # only if your argocd api has self-signed cert
    secure: false
        $env: ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN

Add argoCD widget to your overview page

// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import {
} from '@roadiehq/backstage-plugin-argo-cd';

const overviewContent = (
  <Grid container spacing={3} alignItems="stretch">
      <EntitySwitch.Case if={e => Boolean(isArgocdAvailable(e))}>
        <Grid item sm={4}>
          <EntityArgoCDOverviewCard />

Add annotation to the yaml config file of a component

    argocd/app-name: <your-app-name>

Get and provide ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN as env variable in following format


Found a mistake? Update these instructions.

Don't want to spend your time installing and manually upgrading each Backstage plugin?

How it looks

A preview of Argo CD overview widget including kubernetes pod status.

Things to know

Support for multiple ArgoCD instances - Option 1

If you want to create multiple components that fetch data from different argoCD instances, you have to add a proxy config for each instance:


    target: https://<someAddress>/api/v1/
    changeOrigin: true
    secure: false
        $env: ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN

    target: https://<otherAddress>/api/v1/
    changeOrigin: true
    secure: false
        $env: ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN2

Add all required auth tokens to environmental variables, in this example, ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN2.

And then in the following component definition annotations add a line with the url to the desired proxy path:

argocd/proxy-url: '/argocd/api2'

argocd/proxy-url annotation defaults to ‘/argocd/api’ so it’s not needed if there is only one proxy config.

Support for multiple Argo CD instances - Option 2 - Argo CD backend plugin

To enable ArgoCD backend plugin you need to import it to your backend application.

  1. Create plugin file for ArgoCD backend in your packages/backend/src/plugins/ directory.
// packages/backend/src/plugins/argocd.ts

import { createRouter } from '@roadiehq/backstage-plugin-argo-cd-backend';
import { PluginEnvironment } from '../types';

export default async function createPlugin({
}: PluginEnvironment) {
  return await createRouter({ logger, config });
  1. Modify your backend router to expose the APIs for ArgoCD backend
// packages/backend/src/index.ts

import argocd from './plugins/argocd';

const argocdEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('argocd'));
apiRouter.use('/argocd', await argocd(argocdEnv));

If you want to create multiple components that fetch data from different argoCD instances, you can dynamically set the ArgoCD instance url by adding the following to your app-config.yaml files.

  username: ${ARGOCD_USERNAME}
  password: ${ARGOCD_PASSWORD}
    - type: 'config'
        - name: argoInstance1
          token: ${ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN}
        - name: argoInstance2

The Argo plugin will fetch the Argo CD instances an app is deployed to and use the backstage-plugin-argo-cd-backend plugin to reach out to each Argo instance based on the mapping mentioned below.

Add the required auth tokens to environmental variables, ARGOCD_USERNAME and ARGOCD_PASSWORD.

You can also use an argo session token as mentioned above in the argocd object as shown above. If omitted, we will use the argo username and password from the code block above.

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